What Tooth Whitening Method Is Right for You?

Illuminate your smile with the ideal solution for you!

Are You Looking to Brighten Your Smile?

It's your time to shine (and your smile, too!).
Hylan Dental Care dentists having fun and smiling

Unleash the power of a brighter, whiter smile with teeth whitening at Hylan Dental Care.

Elevate your confidence and appearance while enjoying the numerous health benefits of a dazzling smile. Generally, we offer three options – in-office, take-home, or combined whitening. Each is tailored to fit your lifestyle and preferences.

At Hylan Dental Care, we prioritize your satisfaction and well-being. Achieve your smile goals while enjoying a tailormade experience built around your needs.

Ready to smile more?

What Factors to Consider

Feel empowered to make the right teeth whitening decision for your smile.
Tooth Sensitivity

Do you have sensitive teeth? Our cosmetic dentists in Cleveland will provide you with the ideal option to prevent any discomfort while achieving great results.

Result Time

How fast do you want to show off your smile? We can help assess what method will give you the fastest results and a long-lasting smile!


While we have assistance in providing financial support to our patients, we understand you may be looking for reduced costs. While take-home whitening is the most budget-friendly, we do offer CareCreditOpen link in the new window and work with you to ensure you can get the white smile you deserve if you want in-office or combined whitening


Your time is precious! You may prefer to have results after one visit, in which case we recommend the in-office appointment or the combined approach. If you prefer flexibility and taking control yourself, the take-home option may be the whitening option for you.

Here Are Your Choices

Whatever approach you prefer, our Cleveland dentists can help you!

In-Office Whitening

Want to show off your smile as soon as possible? You can revitalize your smile with our in-office whitening. This provides immediate results and a professional-grade solution for a brighter, confident you.

  • Single-session results
  • Professional strength application
  • Customized to your unique needs
  • Requires a single office visit

Take-Home Whitening

Our cosmetic dentists also provide a fitted mouthguard that holds whitening gel over your teeth that you use at home. This method has a few benefits:

  • Convenient usage
  • Gradual whitening
  • Tailored to your schedule
  • Longer duration

Combined Whitening

Want the best of both worlds to maintain a whiter smile for longer? The combined approach involves one office visit alongside the take-home whitening gel. This safeguards the long-term protection of your newly whitened smile.

  • Initial in-office brightening
  • Follow-up home treatment
  • Amplified whitening results
  • Requires follow-up maintenance
Explore Your Options
Corporate logo
Tooth SensitivityMay experience some sensitivityMinimal sensitivity possiblePotential sensitivity during in-office treatment
Treatment DurationImmediate resultsGradual results over time Immediate boost with continued home treatment
Budget Premium pricingCost-effective solutionModerately priced
LifestyleRequires single office visitConvenient home applicationInitial in-office session with subsequent at-home flexibility
Hear from Our Patients

Real stories of success for teeth whitening in Cleveland, OH.

“Today I went in to get my teeth whitening and not knowing what to expect, I must admit that it was one the best dental visits I’ve ever had.”

Dadrian Armour

“The experience that has been had has been very pleasant and professional. The customer service and the nurses and doctors are very passive and careful with the patients, and they know their profession. You can see that they take their time with each patient, and that is very important.”

Carlos Lewis

“The staff is always welcoming when we come there, and Melissa did an excellent job on the whitening! They’re our new family dentist! Thanks so much.”

Carla Williams

  • How much does teeth whitening cost at Hylan Dental Care?

    The cost of teeth whitening at Hylan Dental Care varies based on the chosen method. The at-home option is typically more budget-friendly, however, the results are more gradual. Nonetheless, if you want in-office whitening or the combined approach we can assist in making this solution a reality. Contact our team for detailed pricing information.

  • Is teeth whitening painful?

    While some patients may experience temporary tooth sensitivity or irritation, teeth whitening at Hylan Dental Care is generally safe and minimally painful. In fact, we aim for the most comfortable and pain-free care at our practice. Our team takes measures to reduce sensitivity during and after the procedure.

  • Are there any restrictions after teeth whitening?
    After teeth whitening, avoiding foods and beverages that can stain, such as coffee, red wine, and dark berries, is advisable. Additionally, refrain from smoking, which can compromise the results. Our team provides post-whitening care instructions to ensure lasting effects.
  • How long does teeth whitening last?
    The longevity of teeth whitening results depends on various factors, including lifestyle and oral hygiene. In-office whitening may offer immediate results, while take-home options provide gradual improvements. Periodic touch-ups can help maintain a whiter smile over time.
  • How often should I whiten my teeth?
    The frequency of teeth whitening depends on the chosen method. If you opt for the combined approach, you will maintain a whiter smile for longer yet benefit from the initial immediate results of the procedure. Our dental professionals at Hylan Dental Care can guide you on the recommended schedule for optimal results.