Office News

Avoid the Painful Effects of Cavities
Office News |2 min read

Avoid the Painful Effects of Cavities

We often take the ease of chewing and drinking for granted. Sometimes, though, these two daily tasks become arduous because one or more of your teeth have developed a cavity. This tooth decay brings oral pain and sensitivity that only professional treatment can fix....

Older Adults Have New Care Challenges
Office News |2 min read

Older Adults Have New Care Challenges

Aging bodies go through various changes, and oral health is no exception. It’s also no surprise. By age 21, the average person has all of his (or her) permanent teeth, which he’s expected to keep for the rest of his life. Caring for aging teeth involves recognizing...

Why Tongue Piercings Are a Bad Idea?
Office News |3 min read

Why Tongue Piercings Are a Bad Idea?

The Dental Risk of Tongue Piercings Maybe tongue piercings aren’t as popular as they used to be, but as a dental office, we still see way too many of them than we’d like. The truth is, tongue piercings have been around for centuries.  The Mayans and Aztecs...

Can A Dentist Provide A Sick Note?
Office News |5 min read

Can A Dentist Provide A Sick Note?

How many of you reading this have been avoiding the dentist? Be honest, if you’ve been avoiding the dentist, you definitely aren’t alone. Whether you need a new filling, your wisdom teeth need to be removed, or if you just need your teeth cleaned, many...

Teeth Stains Have Names
Office News |2 min read

Teeth Stains Have Names

Americans are known around the world for their healthy and attractive teeth. Our standards are higher than those in other countries, and many of us work hard to sport sparkling smiles. One method to banish tooth discolorations is to use whiteners. But have you ever...

New Shapes Bring You More Self-Confidence
Office News |2 min read

New Shapes Bring You More Self-Confidence

Do you dislike your smile because your front teeth have minor alignment issues? Do the issues bother you to the extent that they reduce your self-confidence in your social, personal and business lives? The many types of cosmetic dentistry include odontoplasty (also...